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Tag: estate planning

September 14, 2023

Four Common Mistakes in Estate Planning and How to Fix Them

Estate planning involves a lot of moving parts. So you’d be forgiven for overlooking or forgetting about certain issues when making decisions about transferring wealth in the most tax-effective manner after you die. An experienced estate planner can help ensure you dot all the “i’s” and cross all the “t’s.” But if you’ve done some of your own estate planning or worked with different advisors over the years, a few things may have fallen through the cracks. Here are four… Read more ›

September 1, 2023

Everything You Wanted to Know About Living Trusts

A living trust is a popular consideration in many estate strategy conversations, but its appropriateness will depend upon your individual needs and objectives. What is a Living Trust? A living trust is created while you are alive and funded with the assets you choose to transfer into it. The trustee (typically you) has full power to manage these assets.1 It will also designate a beneficiary, or beneficiaries, much like a will, to whom the assets are structured to automatically pass… Read more ›

September 26, 2022

Encourage Legacy Gifts to Your Not-for-Profit

If your not-for-profit focuses most of its fundraising energy on donors who can contribute to your mission and programs now, you may have neglected legacy gifts. Such gifts represent a portion of wealthy donors’ estates that go to your organization on their death. Legacy gifts can help position your nonprofit for sustained growth well into the future. Let’s take a closer look at the hows and the whys. Mechanics of Giving The vast majority of legacy gifts are made through… Read more ›

June 29, 2022

Buy-Sell Agreement: Be Ready for Unforeseen Events

One estate-planning tool that can protect your family and the partners in your dealership is a buy-sell agreement. This legal document may give owners the first shot at buying an interest in the company if another owner pulls out, becomes disabled or dies. Ideally, these contracts are drawn up when a business is launched, or acquired from other owners, but they can be entered into later. Don’t wait too long. If you die or become disabled without an agreement, it… Read more ›