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CBM Team Members Coordinate Donation of Textbooks and Other Educational Resources to Washington, DC Elementary School Classroom

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Students in the Washington, DC public schools system benefited from the coordinated donation of $500 worth of textbooks and educational supports to the DC Education Fund, a group that backs cutting-edge initiatives with the potential to generate systemic change. The Fund’s investments have transformed the DC public school system into one of the fastest-improving school districts in the nation.

Senior Accounting Specialist Anne Hayes and Administrative Assistant Shanta Jordan combined efforts for their CBM100-Charities event to solicit $285 from individual employees during the summer (with an additional $204 contribution from Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (CBM)) in preparation for the upcoming school year. In particular, they donated the funds, which helped with the purchase of math textbooks and other educational resources through the Fund and to a classroom at Barnard Elementary School in Washington, DC, as well as other materials donated directly by CBM team members. The school population is composed of more than 60 percent English language learners, many of whom face learning disabilities and neighborhood poverty.

The classroom teacher expressed her gratitude in an email explaining that the class lacked textbooks and that the resources would be valuable in engaging students with real-world math problems while demonstrating that math can be fun.

As a new school year begins, CBM team members are doing their part to help pave an easier start for some students in DC public schools lacking essential resources.

Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell has kept an active commitment to serving the local community for many years. Our industry-recognized program is founded on the efforts of team member volunteers who devote their time and resources to improving the lives of those around us. Click here to read more about CBM in the Community.

Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (CBM) is a professional services firm delivering tax, accounting and business advisory expertise throughout the Mid-Atlantic region from offices in Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC

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