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Manager Reema Patel Interviewed by the Accounting MOVE Project on CBM Policies Attracting Women to the Firm and DEI Issues

CBM Contact:

Reema Patel, a manager at Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (CBM) and co-director of D-PATH, the firm’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiative, was interviewed by Bonnie Buol Ruszczyk, owner of the Accounting MOVE Project, on issues related to CBM policies that attract and retain women, a financial planning process she developed to attract millennials and DEI skepticism.

Late last year, CBM was recognized for the fifth consecutive year by the Accounting MOVE Project, a benchmarking project that counts and advocates for women in the profession which publishes, with the Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance, an annual report that demonstrates the advancement of women in accounting and consulting firms. Last year, MOVE also recognized CBM as one of the best accounting firms for women.

Click here to listen to the interview on MOVE’s “MOVE Like This” podcast.

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